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Inflation control in West Africa: BCEAO commits to fight against rising prices

Categories: Index/Markets

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At the 3rd session of the BCEAO Monetary Policy Committee for the year 2022, the Governor of the Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO), Jean-Claude Kassi Brou, a announced that the financial institution will engage in the fight against rising commodity prices in the subregion.

The Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) will work to control inflation in West African countries. According to the governor, it is important that the issue of price increases be well analyzed and addressed “because we are seeing a strong rise in prices in our region with a negative effect on the purchasing power of populations, on the competitiveness of our economies and on the consumption and investment.”

“We need to be constantly vigilant and attentive to the changes taking place, which require us to be proactive in order to propose appropriate solutions at the right time” ', stressed Born Jean-Claude Kassi Brou. He did not fail to mention the conflict in Ukraine, which “exacerbated the disruption of global supply chains, reinforcing the inflationary spiral for both food and energy products.”

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